Defines the configuration needed to invoke the insert function


  • Config



additionalMetadataIds: string

[Optional] The comma-separated id-list of additional metadata definitions that the selection should result in.

close: Function

This function is called when the Insert window should be closed

debug: Function

[Optional] Listen on this method for debug messages

error: Function

[Optional] This function is called whenever an error is encountered

formatId: string

The ids of the formats that the selection should result in.

imageVaultUiUrl: string

The url to the ImageVault ui that should be used

insertMode: number

[Optional] @0 (Default) Insert with format or choose format from dropdown in ImageVault UI @1 Same as 0 (default) except that you can edit media in editor before insert

insertMultiple: boolean

If it should be possible to select multiple assets from ImageVault. Default is false.

mediaId: number

[Optional] Set media id to show specific media

mediaUrl: string

[Optional] Set media url to edit existing media

mediaUrlBase: string

The url base that the media assets should use. Supply the url to a cdn.

origin: string

[Optional] Origin where the insert function is launched from. Is normally calculated and does not need to be supplied.

pageLang: string

[Optional] The language for the default content in ImageVault

publishDetails: PublishDetails

The publishDetails to use. If supplied, published urls are returned.

publishingSource: string

The publishingSource where the image should be used. Normally the url for the site.

Function that is invoked when the user insert items from ImageVault

uiLang: string

The language that the ImageVault ui should be displayed in

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